WAB Structure

WAB is divided into four regions with nine branches across South Australia including an online branch, with a total membership of about 150 rural women including Associate Members.

Email wabinsa@gmail.com for Branch contact information.


CENTRAL                                                                    EYRE PENINSULA

Cunliffe                                                                         Charlton

LIMESTONE COAST                                                  MALLEE

Lochaber                                                                     Coonalpyn

Padthaway                                                                  Paringa

Wirrega                                                                       Yurgo


Associate Members – Branch nearest to the Associate

Management structure and responsibilities

Management Team

WAB is administered through the Management Team which is made up of the State President, State Treasurer and four Regional Co-ordinators.


Elected for a 2 year term
Honorarium $3000

  • Officially represents WAB, e.g. State and Federal government departments, agricultural and women’s organisations
  • Spokesperson for Media
  • Chairperson for WAB Management meetings
  • Supports the nominating branch for State Conferences
  • Prepares Annual Report
  • Receives new Membership Forms with payment and passes details to Administration Officer
  • Issues award certificates and badges – Nominations are sent in direct from Branches
  • Receives annual membership fees and deposits fees into the nominated WAB account
  • Receives state project funds
  • Receives Rural Women in Action Fund money collected by branches and confirms that money has been sent to International Officer
Regional Co-ordinators
  • Four Regional Co-ordinators – Central, Eyre Peninsula, Limestone Coast, Mallee
  • Elected for a two year term
  • An honorarium will be offered – this will be a maximum of $1000 and not necessarily the same for each region as the number of branches and geographical distances differ between regions
  • First point of contact for all Branches within their region
  • Receives a copy of Branch Meeting reports (which have been emailed to the WAB News Officer)

Portfolio Holders

WAB News Editor
  • Receives Branch reports from all Branches (on meetings and activities)
  • Collates and produces five editions of the WAB News per year (Verified by President or Co-ordinators prior to release)
  • WAB News provided to Branches, associates and supporters via email. Please note there will be no printed copies sent out to individual members.
  • Copies (electronic or hard copy) to be forwarded to archival records.
  • Forwards claim form for costs involved (with scanned receipts) to State President for reimbursement.
International Officer
  • Issues Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) membership invoices (email where possible) and receives fees from organisation, branch and individual members (Due by 30th November each year)
  • Forwards fees ACWW
  • Receives new ACWW membership forms from branches and individuals
  • Forwards to branches any ACWW newsletters
  • Promotes the work of ACWW to all WAB branches
  • Rural Women in Action Fund – receives funds from branches and sends the total to ACWW Fund
  • Please note there is no honorarium from WAB for this position.
  • Holds and stores all WAB history
  • A point of reference for all WAB
Website Manager
  • Arranges the setting up of the WAB website
  • Ongoing maintenance of website
  • Uploads new information to website
Social Media Manager  
  • Sets up the Facebook page
  • Ongoing maintenance of Facebook page
  • Monitors entries on the Facebook page
  • Encourages members to use the Facebook page


  • Collect WAB annual membership fees and forward to State Treasurer by direct debit (where possible)
  • Forward nomination forms for awards for members to Administration Officer
  • Rural Women in Action Fund money to International Officer by direct debit (where possible)
  • Forward to WAB Management Team:
    • Branch Facilitator and/or Officer Bearer names
    • Branch member names and details
    • Money raised for state project
    • Details of Rural Women in Action fund money collected by branch and confirmation that money has been sent to International Officer
  • Forward monthly branch meeting report to WAB News Officer with a copy to Regional Co-ordinator, with photos if possible
  • Forward new branch members form with payment to the State Treasurer